Friday, October 24, 2008

Dr. says.....

I called the dr. and he wants me to come into the office, so I just showered and Todd's getting ready just in case he sends us to the hospital. We'll let you know what's going on as soon as we can!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Only Time Will Tell...

So, originally I had an appt scheduled for 9:10 this morning, but the office called yesterday and advised me that my dr. would be out of the office and asked if I would like to reschedule for Friday...I was like,! So then they asked if I wanted to see the other dr., the alternate dr. at a different office this afternoon at 1:10, so I took it!

Don't get too excited tho, no change. They did two more stress tests, the first one got turned off too early accidentally by a nurse who misunderstood, so then doc examined me and did a quick ultrasound and then they hooked me up and did a second test. Everything still looks good, Lucas is in position and ready to go, but was still not dialated at all!

So, we talked about inducing vs. c-section and I stressed that I really want to try inducing first and he was like, ok, I understand....def what I needed to hear!

Unfortunately, my main doc calls the shots and he won't be available til tomorrow morning, so I have to call the office first thing in the morning to schedule the induction. I know he's going to push for Saturday, but I'm going to push right back and try for tomorrow! If this is going to possibly take a few days, then let's get the show on the road!

However...I ran a few errands after my appt and then came home cuz I was feeling hungry/nauseous/dizzy. By the time I got home I was just nauseous and started having contractions 5-8 min apart, but after 30 min they stopped. Then at 6:30 I started feeling nauseous again and started having contractions again at 6:37. After 4 of them I had to go to the bathroom and low and behold, there was a lil blood! Yay!!! Never thought I would be so excited to experience pain and see blood in the toilet (well, on the tp)!!! Sorry if this is TMI, but those of you who know me, know I don't usually hold back. :)

Well, I'll keep you all posted! Either way, Lucas will be here by the end of the weekend! Finally!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lucas is Coming Sometime this Week...

Had NST and things went well. Also having irregular contractions so doc said it's possible I could go into labor on my own in the next day or so. Still not dialated tho, so if I am still waiting around as of Thursday I have to decide whether or not I want a c-section. Which, I don't, but doc also said that he prob is a 9lber and that it will be a tight squeeze if he does make it out, but may have to end up having section anyways. I really hope he comes on his own cuz I really don't want to make that decision...I dread not being able to hold my baby when he is born, so much, that I could cry right now thinking about it. Anyways, so we just have to continue to play the waiting game.
Pray for us!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 39...

For Lucas

Ok, so maybe Lucas is holding out on us cuz he was waiting for mommy to finish her last project. Here it is...a little wooden trinket block I found on clearance at Michaels...cute, isn't it? Of course I had to paint it to match his room. It only took two days and it doesn't look perfect, but that's as much patience as I have right now. Love you baby! Now just come out!

A few more bellies to go!

37 Weeks

38 Weeks

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

So apparently Lucas is very snuggly in my tummy or he is just too afraid to come out and face this crazy world (or maybe just his mama). Doc says I'm STILL not dialated!!! Not even 1 cm!!! Therefore, he advises against inducing because at this rate it could take days. So the plan is for me to go in on Monday morning and have a Non Stress Test and see how baby is doing.

If all looks well, then I have two choices. If I absolutely can't take it any longer, he will admit me Wednesday and induce me then, or, I can wait til Sat (one week past due date) and be induced then. He will not let me go any further than one week past, so that's at least something to look fwd to. Now, I mentioned an ultrasound before, but we are foregoing that because that would only be to confirm my decision to have a c-section, which I don't want unless ABSOLUTELY neccesary.

If, God forbid, there is a problem Monday, he will send me to hospital and admit me then, but so far baby's heartbeat is good, he's still moving around and I'm not leaking any fluid, so all should be fine.

So I'm done with all the wives tales for now. The only one I haven't tried is the castor oil and I'm too afraid to end up with diarrhea to try that one. This baby will have to come out on his own or he will be forced out by Dr. I keep telling him he doesn't want that cuz then he will be entering the world all pissed off and crabby and that's no way to start your life, but obviously he's not worried about it. He'd rather drive me crazy for a little while longer!

I've come to the conclusion that basically I'm just going to give birth to a ginormous baby and half his clothes will go to Good Will cuz none of them will fit and mommy, trying to be prepared took all the tags off and washed them. Yay! He has plenty of 0-3 months clothes, but all the cute NB stuff will most likely be too small.

Oh well, off to study...sorry this is taking so long...BELIEVE ME, NOBODY WANTS HIM OUT MORE THAN ME!!! :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not yet...

Still baby Lucas yet. I know he's not due til Saturday, but I have to say, this week has been the most frustrating of them all!
I appreciate the concern and excitement you all have and apologize for not answering phone calls, text messages and/or emails, it's just really hard for me right now and to be honest, I'm tired of telling everyone the same thing, no, no baby yet. So please bare with me, I love you all and will definitely let you know one way or another when he finally does decide to come out, I promise...the whole freaking world will know!!! Lol!!
Love you all!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Continue or not to Continue...

Hi everyone...just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure how much longer I will be doing this blog. As you already know, I'm not very good at updating it. The reason is mainly because it's just too frustrating! I'm ususally pretty good with this kind of stuff, but as you can tell by my last batch of belly pix, I'm having trouble posting pix. I may just resort to myspace or facebook, but not sure yet.

Also, I wanted to let you know that I think I lost my it could be any day now! And unfortunately sometimes it can be weeks after that happens, but I'm thinking positive! My tummy has also been one giant BH contraction (hard as a rock) since I woke up yesterday at 3:15am, so hoping that means somethihng too. I did wake up last night, twice with contractions, but after a couple they seemed to go away....but again, it's a step closer. We're really hoping he will come out by this weekend! And prepare yourself for when you hear the weight! I know I was only 6lbs 11 oz but Todd was 8lbs 5 1/2 oz and I'm thinking this boy weighs closer to what his daddy did...I'm huge, still gaining weight and hungry most of the time again now...yikes!

Well most of you will here from us (or mom & dad) via phone or text so keep your phones near! Hope to talk to you soon! Lol!
The Ervins