Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lucas's Nursery

Here's a peek at what Lucas's room looks like. Todd and I finally hung up the rest of the wall hangings, pictures and plaques this weekend. After a few squabbles and a few misdrilled holes, here is the final product (all that's missing now is baby Lucas)...

Start with the first picture and follow them in order. That is how everything is positioned around the room (as if you were looking at a virtual tour, ha!)

I can't decide between the upper or lowercase L so we have both... you can let me know what you think.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Lucas Update...

So I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and it was much more exciting than last months appt! I took my glucose test and just found out I passed...woohoo!! Very excited about that!

I also had a quick u/s and got to see our little man. He's so much bigger than last time! I could actually see his nose, eyes and mouth! He has the cutest profile! I bet he looks just like me! LOL!!! I also found out that he is already in position, head down that hopefully he stays that way!

Have a great weekend everyone...I know I will now! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

All Caught Up...Finally!!!

Here is the last of them for now...aren't I getting huge! I can't believe I still have 12 1/2 weeks to go! Yikes!

27 Weeks

26 Weeks

And More Belly Pix...

25W 1D

24 Weeks

23 W 2D

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Few Belly Pix

So I'm trying to play catch up here and my computer does not want to cooperate, so here are a few belly pix. Hopefully I'll be able to post more throughout the week...I know, know, that's what I always say...but I'm really going to try, I promise!

22W 3D

21 Weeks

20W 2D

19 weeks

Friday, July 18, 2008

Furniture Update...

So Obviously I haven't gotten around to those belly pix...I'm terrible! I know! But I wanted to give you all a brief update on what's new.

This past Tuesday the furniture was finally delivered and go figure...they delivered one of the wrong pieces! I was so upset! However, they are coming tomorrow to switch it out, which means we'll just have to wait for them to come before we can start our day (heading downtown to the Museum of Science & Industry and Sears Tower), but i wasn't going to wait another week!

I really like the one piece and am very excited to see how the room is going to look with the correct pieces in it! Right now the wrong piece is too large, so it's sitting in the middle of the room, so it's hard to imagine how the room will really look. Lucas letters came yesterday! They are so cute! I will def take pix tomorrow or Sunday and post them so that you can all see. I will now also be able to hang up the rest of the shelves, pictures and plaques I have for his room after tomorrow since we will be able to arrange the furniture how we want it...I'm so excited!!!

This all becoming more real every day! Especially since I sleep less and less each night it seems. My left side is just constantly sore and it's really hard to stay in one position all night! I've had a limp the past 2 days because of my hip/tailbone pain too...oh the joys of pregnancy!

Other than that...all is well, I go for my glucose test Thursday, the 24th, so wish me luck!

Oh! One last thing...nd on our trip to the zoo last Sunday, we couldn't help but to buy Lucas not one, but two little beanie was beanie baby day and they were all over the place! I chose a brown monkey, Swinger (whose birthday is also in October) and a blue elephant, Peanut, so that they will match his room. I am so against the whole stuffed animal thing because I think they are just dust collectors...but I can't seem to help myself lately! They're just so darn cute!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lucas's Room

Hi again! So I guess I got confused with my other blog (just for preggos) and thought I posted pix of Lucas's room so far...I guess not. Here is a sneak peek...

We are supposed to be getting a call anyday now from the delivery company who will deliver the dressers...we can't wait! I also ordered Lucas letters for his name that will go on the wall and match the bedding...very excited about those!

Well that's all for now...I did upload some belly pix onto the computer at home last night, just didn't have time to post them, so look for those over the next couple of days (maybe Sat or Sunday when I will have some free time).

Happy Fourth of July everyone!