Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Heartbeat!

So what an amazing day it has been already! Today Todd and I went for our second doctor's appointment and we were able to hear the heartbeat!!! It was sooo Awesome!! And yes, of course I cried. :) Well, I didn't bawl or anything, but was definitely teary eyed. Todd was amazed as well. I think we are both walking on cloud 9 today!


Lisa @ Heaven Sent said...

Isn't it the most wonderful noise ever?! So amazing and yet still so surreal. Enjoy every minute of this pregnancy. The amazement only grows with your belly!

Love all 3 of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not - I can still remember EXACTLY how it sounded - that first heartbeat - yours 33+, Lisa's 30+ and Johnny's 25+ years ago ;-) Amazing and Awesome and such Sweet Music to my ears. It's a sound you'll never forget.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your baby!!! I'm a blog friend of Lisa' must be aunt nennie!!! :)
Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy! :) said...

Here from your sister's blog... Congratulations!